
Video Marketing and its Importance For Digital Marketing

Importance Of Video Marketing

If you are a Digital Marketer, you understand the significance of Video Marketing in today’s world. Google recently released its new algorithm, in which it stated that videos will be an essential component. By 2019 videos are most important for SEO as well.

Videos are now the most effective way to promote your company. According to Wyzowl data, 63% of businesses have begun to use video content marketing. According to 82% of businesses, video is one of the most important components of their strategies. Content marketing is rapidly expanding and will soar in the future.

Video Marketing: Importance

Videos are a versatile and entertaining type of content that not only gives us a real-time picture of what’s going on, but it’s also easy to distribute across multiple platforms. Customers like it because it is simple to understand, entertaining, and engaging. And marketers like it because it can provide a massive return on investment (ROI) across a wide range of channels.

Furthermore, videos are widely available; anyone with an internet connection can view and create videos. While there is a trend toward higher quality video on a professional level, anyone with a laptop can make their own video in under an hour.

What is Video Marketing?

When done properly, videos can be a powerful tool for a company to disseminate its message in a much more effective and easily accessible manner to a larger group audience. It’s very much compatible with both B2C and B2B video content strategies.

The wonderful thing about video content marketing is that it is becoming increasingly simple to do well. Because of the numerous options available to marketers, there is truly something for every organization, even those lacking traditional video recording or editing expertise.

Video Marketing: Facts

  • On Facebook, video is the most effective content type.
  • Videos receive more engagement than regular tweets. In addition, videos reduce cost-per-engagement by more than half. When compared to image and text tweets, video tweets are six times more likely to be retweeted.
  • Users are more likely to share a video on LinkedIn than any other type of post.
  • After watching video content on Pinterest, users are more likely to make a purchase.
  • Every day, the world watches 1 billion hours of YouTube videos.
  • On Instagram, video posts receive more engagement than image posts.
  • According to 97% of marketers, videos help customers understand products.
  • By 2021, the video will account for more than 80% of all traffic, according to Cisco.
  • According to Social Media Today, 90% of consumers believe watching a video will help them make purchasing decisions.

Videos can improve SEO

As a result, video is a versatile content format that provides users with a real-time picture of what is going on and is simple to share across all platforms. And it is straightforward to access video via the Internet, and anyone can easily create videos using their smartphones and cameras.

Every search engine available loves videos just because they perceive them to be a high-quality information source; thus, incorporating videos in various types of content as well as on your major web pages may do wonders for improving your SEO rankings, provided the videos themselves are properly optimized.

This includes relevant keywords, an excellent meta description, and an enticing title. By incorporating these key ingredients into your online content marketing strategy, you can be confident that you will reap greater SEO benefits for your business.

Video will account for more than 80% of all traffic by 2022. (Cisco)

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

According to research, a video can help 90% of buyers make a purchasing decision.

Anyone can able to make a lot of earnings by making different videos. Different videos regarding your products on your landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. Increased sales can also be directly attributed to videos. According to research, 74% of people who watched an explainer video about a product or service went on to buy it. So get started right away on creating captivating product videos.

Another reason videos are beneficial for conversions is that they keep visitors on the website long enough to browse around, increasing dwell time. This is especially true for people who aren’t avid readers (it’s a safe bet that people’s eyes are tired from staring at a computer all day). People who watch a video allegedly stay on the website for two minutes longer if there is interesting video content available.

Video Builds Trust

The entire concept of Content Marketing is based on one simple goal. To build trust and long-term relationships with customers. Trust is regarded for the foundation of sales and conversions.

Videos, as a type of content marketing, are an excellent medium for engaging and building trust in order to promote your brand. Effective marketing can persuade a group of skeptical customers who are hesitant to try new products and services. Furthermore, a recent survey found that 57% of consumers feel satisfied and confident in purchasing procedures after watching relevant videos.

The video keeps users on pages longer

Which includes the organization of your content strategy and the quality of your films. Despite this, 83% of WYZOwl poll respondents believe video provides a good ROI.

You may believe that creating online marketing videos is an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. However, there is a lot of technology available that allows you to quickly and cheaply create good videos.

Not only do most of us have high-quality video recorders in our pockets in the form of smartphones, but software tools like VideoScribe and Doodly make it easy to create entertaining explainer videos at a low cost. Spending less money on video production implies that better ROIs are easier to achieve.

Video Appeals to Mobile Users

Mobile and video go hand in hand. 90% of customers watch videos on their mobile devices. Since the 3rd quarter of 2013, mobile video views have increased by more than 233 percent. According to YouTube, mobile video consumption grows by 100% each year. People like to watch videos on the go, and the number of smartphone users is growing, so your video audience is growing.


Videos are one of the most popular types of content in the world and will be for a long time. Videos are not only entertaining, but they are also one of the best ways to inform and educate your audience, as well as showcase your products and services by emphasizing their features to entice customers and strengthen their trust and loyalty. More the people who learn about the benefits of your products and services. They will more likely to be engaged and propelled toward a purchasing decision. This will also resulting in increased sales and profits for the organization’s overall growth.

As a result, investing in an effective video marketing strategy can prove to be a highly profitable venture for your company. Furthermore, there are a variety of video editing tools available on the market that are worth implementing for your business in order to get the most out of your videos and make them highly effective in capturing the attention of the audience for better engagement.

For video marketing services for your business, contact the best Digital Marketing Company such as Attractive Web Solutions which provides exceptional service and has a stellar reputation.

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