
Search Engine Friendly Website Design: 5 Hallmarks

A great website that wows audiences is nowadays a prerequisite for any business, big or small. However, beauty alone does not make the website truly useful. For a business’s first impression to be effective, it must be able to market itself well on search engines to attract visitors! Here are a few hallmarks of a search-engine-friendly website:

Great UI/UX

A website’s User Interface and User Experience have assumed more importance than ever before. User-friendliness is the first crucial step of a great UX. Visitors are more likely to spend time there if a website is easy to navigate. This in turn is directly related to the rising interest level and purchase decisions they are bound to make while browsing. A sitemap is a proven tool to help search engines find their way around your site. Using prominent links to important content in the footer of your website is another way to help search engines find your site.

Mobile-Friendly Design

With a significant chunk of the population using tablets and smartphones as their primary computing devices, website designs that aren’t mobile-friendly are just slashing their chances of visibility drastically. As a result, people on the go are in a greater hurry to close the sales cycle quickly, so buying decisions are much faster on mobiles. In accordance with the objectives of businesses, it is necessary to make a decision on whether to create a mobile website or a responsive design. A standalone mobile website has the advantage of having a mobile-specific design and content. In order for responsive design to be functional across all platforms and devices, content must be reduced to fit within the device’s window size. Content types can sometimes be selected in order of importance, but this aspect can generally be smartly handled.

Engaging, Relevant Website Content

A great website layout must consider how content will be displayed when designing it. In order to achieve search-engine friendly design, visitors must see relevant, interesting content on a website in order to feel compelled to return or stay on the site longer. To keep updating the way a website looks, it is a good idea to analyze what content is found engaging by the target audience. It can consist of anything from informative blog posts to articles that offer a unique perspective to the reader and content pieces that establish authority in the industry. One of the best ways to popularize a website and get people talking about it is to display bold, striking buttons for social sharing. As a result, search engines keep increasing the site’s ranking.

Fast Load Time

Users don’t tolerate slow websites and won’t hesitate to leave if your website takes more than three seconds to load. Speed is one of the most important website features from a user perspective and also an important SEO factor.  You can use Google’s Page Speed tool to test your website performance. The tool will give you suggestions for improving the speed, but you can always hire a web designer or developer.

Clear Calls to Action

Users won’t know what to do if you don’t have a clear “call to action” on your website. Whether you want them to click somewhere, buy something, sign up for something, or leave information, you need to let them know what to do. This can be accomplished with CTA buttons, pop-up forms, or links within your content. Don’t let your users wonder where to go next. Guide them so you can increase your conversions.

Our services

We are the best website designing company in Delhi NCR, Kolkata, Lucknow, Indore, and Mumbai. We have been in the business for over 10 years and have designed websites for some of the biggest brands in India. We know what it takes to create a successful website and can help you get the most out of your online presence. Our team of designers and developers will work with you to create a custom-designed website that meets your specific needs and requirements. We also offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your website is always up-to-date and running smoothly. Contact us today to learn more about our web design services and how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Also Read- Essential Tips For E-commerce Website

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