
6 Essential Tips For Attractive Website Design

Essential Tips For Attractive Website Design

An attractive and easy-to-use interface of a website is a key behind every best website designing company and this must be very much important for any prospective, starting from digital marketing to a person visiting the site. A perfect website helps the company to enhance its serviceability and easy process as to funnel through to achieve what a company wants a visitor to do.

No matter how many pages you make on a website or how much entertainment you put in if your website is too complex and hard to use or don’t know about proper funneling, then you cannot able to full fill your target because your website is the true identity of your business and also act as a salesperson as well which is working for your business for 24/7.

A digital marketing company can do wonders by attracting customers to a recognized page but if these 6 things are not available on your website then the customer will switch to another site due to a bad interface or slow loading speed.

But here are 6 expert tips, which will help increase customer accumulation by 30% and return customers as well.

Tips to attract more users to your website

Must read these tricks carefully and make sure that you don’t miss any point because with every successful implementation of points your website will do wonders for you and the last 2 should be your top priority.

1. Use High-Quality Images On Webpages

Images speak most of the things about your website like what your website is all about, and the services you provide, and help visitors to direct them where to click as well. Just writing content and no images might make your website looks like Wikipedia, just for information and less for product serviceability.

It was also found that a unique website interface gets more traffic than a normal website.

Which kind of Images can be used?

  • Any kind of images, starting from Jpeg to PNG or vector arts anything, but those images must have appropriate content accordingly to your website and the written content.
  • Size of image matters, make sure to use the perfect and same size of an image while embedding them into blogs /articles.
  • Resolution of an image – no matter how costly your image is and where you get it from if the picture on the website is blurry then it might make your website even worse. Image data size also matters which is described in point 5.

2. Do Interlinking

The most important step of funneling in your website is interlinking between your website pages to let visitors engage with your website and spend more time, if you’re not sure how to do that then reach out to some best digital marketing companies to make the job done.

Interlinking is like a track controlled by a track master – by this method, you can able to help jump visitors from one page to another so that they can able to reach the exact destination where they need to be.

How interlinking works with different websites.

  • If your website is just a blogging website – make sure to provide similar content and interlink them with your content while writing other blogs and articles so people reading your blogs can jump to other blogs to understand more about the particular topic.
  • E-commerce website – write blogs and articles and interlink your products with their benefits allowing the customer to grab that product with just a link.

3. Use An Attractive Call to Action

If you are into the e-commerce market then make sure to have a call action button on your website which directly take the customer to the product page which you focused on sale as soon as possible. Many huge companies like Flipkart, and Amazon use this trick to let customers drive to the product.

What are the tactics?

  • Discount on a product or providing a buy one get one free kind of stuff which encourage people to check out even quicker.
  • Rush time hours, buy providing huge discounts on particular products within a tight time frame will make a win-win situation.
  • Freebies, everyone free stuff, and if your product provides a strong value proposition, then free bees are the best bet as a call to action.

4. Make Your Website SEO friendly

If you ask a top website development company, how to rank then SEO or search engine optimization is very much important because without SEO your site can never outperform in the real world and never came into a search list either on google, bing, or yahoo.

Not everyone is an expert in SEO optimization but here are some tips to do so.

  • Article /blogs place a crucial role in SEO, the more the words stuffed get into your website better the chance to grow and came into the search list.
  • Keywords in the right places, make sure to segregate high, medium, or low-used keywords and type them in your article. Proper placement of keywords can do wonders.
  • Heading and easy words, make sure to use proper heading in your articles and words are easy so that a person reading the article can easily able to understand the purpose of it.

Pro tip – Reach the best digital marketing company to enhance your website SEO even at a fast pace.

5. Boost Your Website loading speed

If your website took decades to open even a landing page then it’s a caution sign for your website and can easily be fixed. A slow-loading website never ranks or neither gets enough traffic because and research conducted in 2019 a 0 to 4-second website loading time is best for higher conversion rates.

How to boost your website?

  • Image size matters – make sure to use a lower image size but the image must need to be clear and can be done easily. Heavy images drastically slow down the website speeds.
  • Videos – make sure to embed YouTube as a video on your website rather than a complete video because it will take more server time to load.
  • Better servers or hosting plans – the more powerful servers are the more efficient and fast your website will open.
  • Similar fonts usage – make sure to use no more than 2 – 3 fonts in your entire website, by doing so your uplifting much server load for speed.
  • Use coding to make a website – various companies can prepare your website with some cool templates, but these don’t work in the long run and your website keep losing speed because of higher unusual effects/animations running behind.

Pro tip – Find out a top website development company, that can deliver a fast & responsive website at the cheapest cost possible.

6. Mobile Optimized website     

Best Website Designing Company always keeps in mind a complete mobile optimized website and they understand that no matter how beautiful your website looks in a desktop mode if your website is not optimized for mobile version then you might going to lose 90% of your visitors on your website because the mobile phone is used by everyone than a laptop or a desktop.

Main reasons for mobile-optimized sites

  • Mobile phones are handy and are used by most of the users out there.
  • Social media are trends that help increase mobile visitors via advertisement.
  • A proper mobile responsive website can help improve SEO ranking.


Keep these best 6 tips in mind before designing your website for full performance so that they work well for your business. If you’re facing any problem regarding website designing then you can reach the Best Website designing company for your website don’t worry, the changes are very much minimal as well and these companies also help you with the digital marketing of your webpage.

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