
Tips To Retain SEO Ranking After Website Redesign

Tips to retain website rankings after website redesign

We tend to change website design to get more and more traffic to our site. The changes are done accordingly with perfect designing tactics from Best Website Designing Company.

Big changes in websites like the whole design, and every content can HIT SEO super hard. This can cause low traffic, which is important and handled by Best Website Designing Company.

How to Preserve Your Website’s SEO Rankings During A Redesign

Some tweaks in content from your website don’t affect your SEO, but a redesign of a complete website needs some attention with SEO. Not only the design is getting changed but the content as well.

A website run on a domain or hosting but ranks with contents only. To understand more about website designing – read this article.

So we and our team have expertise in these facts – how we can retain SEO after a complete website design change. Here are the 8 tips which will do wonders.

Now design an attractive website without worrying about your SEO.

If you’re struggling go for – Best Website Design and Development Company.

1. Be careful with redirects – 301 & 302

For website changes – small factor like redirects also help your website from falling.

Setting up redirects helps provide proper navigation to the pages you want to get the traffic in.

Where 301 and 302 redirects help a lot.

301 are the type of permanent redirects which are useful for traffic & search engines. 301 redirects are better for SEO which helps in transferring inbound links.

As 301 are permanent redirects, 302 are temporary redirects. 302 can affect your website SEO negatively but can be used wisely. Top Website Designing Company uses 302 for a seamless user experience.

With all these there are many SEO checker tools for improvement of your website – check to know more.

If your website is built under WordPress, then there is a tool called Simple 301 Redirects. This tool supports wildcards and helps visitors reach your site even if asked for a subdomain.

To make your website more affected in the field of SEO reach:

2. Set up 404 pages

Some people ignore the 404 page because they never want the client to be there. But a custom 404 page can do wonders.

We sometimes turn off our internet to play the chrome 404 games. Isn’t it?

Not setting up a 404 page will negatively affect visitors and website ranking as well.

Your 404 page is just a mistake, but that mistake can be converted into a positive situation. Yes, it’s understandable why or how someone can ever land n your 404 page. the answer to this can be;

  • Wrong spells while providing website URL, for example:

  • Change page URL and forgot about 301 redirects.
  • Might have deleted some old content that shows 404 to users.

3. Maintain Website URL Structure

Structuring website URL is very important because URLs are confusing to most people. A confusing or no proper URL setup will reduce the interest of visitors to your website.

This reduction will directly affect the bounce rate on your website. Most of the Top Website Designing Company take care of these things.

Doing URL structuring can be a bit tricky, but can be done with proper planning. Though it’s not rocket science and no formula is required to do so. There are some rules which you can follow.

Make sure to use your URL wisely for better SEO and engagement.

4. Monitor Ranking and organic traffic

It’s normal, just link to google analytics and we are good to go. This is more than that for sure. Just embedding good analytics into your site won’t help you in the longer run. How much you judge and act with it matters a lot.

We do advertisements on our website, but it’s important to understand and monitor how much organic and unpaid traffic your website is getting. This can also be seen in the google analytics dashboard.

If getting low organic traffic, then it’s important to improve site SEO. This will ensure higher traffic. To do these things we need to follow some of this:

  • Flood your site full of quality content, articles, blog post, etc.
  • Understand the current trends and follow them for traffic like reels, trending articles, etc.
  • Being engaged on social media
  • Keep checking your SEO and search for engaging keywords.

5. Improve your web content

Content is the king of a website. No matter how amazing your website looks or how fast it loads. If your website is filled with poor quality content then engagement will get hurt.

No matter what you search on google, get searched using words only.

Good quality content provides life to a website with quality information. With quality information you also have to follow some of these:

  • Make sure to use the appropriate title which is the H1 heading.
  • Use Keywords properly in articles.
  • Use proper H2 and H3 headings throughout your website and articles.
  • Avoid animated words on main tags.
  • Meta description of every page under 156 words.
  • Use proper images and illustrations for better engagement.

6. Run an SEO audit

As like you need to change the oil of your car, an SEO audit is the same for your website. SEO audit will let you know the stability and visibility of on-page or off-page SEO.

SEO auditing will help improve your SEO strategy and keep you up to date with SEO World. It will let you about your website SEO, engagement quality, search engine improvement, and many more.

Check this article to know about SEO tools.

Here are some key factors that SEO auditing will let you know.

  • Let you know regarding google and if any algorithm changes need to be implemented on your website.
  • Keep you up to date with the webmaster tool to help you guide continuous changes in google and bing.
  • Will check for website errors and rectify them which will make visitors noo go to the o 404 error page.
  • While writing content, make sure with title and meta descriptions.
  • Avoid out date content and go with trending content for better engagement and SEO.

7. Fix broken internal links

While Redesigning our website make sure, not to avoid broken links going to happen. This broken link will get you to 404 error page.

Most of the time website designers make this mistake and fall into a trap of 404 errors all the time. While Redesign makes sure to use the same links for further engagement or use 301 & 302 Redirects.

With this, your website traffic flow will be there even if there are some broken links. But make sure to avoid them.

8. Update the XML site map 

Another important art of SEO while restructuring your website is XML site mapping to help google find your site pages easily.

XML site mapping will help you in:

  • Understanding the pages created dynamically, especially for an e-commerce website.
  • Will make your site well structured and create good links between each other.
  • Will help you know to create more external links.
  • If your site is huge, will help you ease understanding the linking between each other.


These was some of the best website redesign tips from Best Website Designing Company to let enhance your website to the next level. Don’t lose your engagement, redesign your website to the next level.

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